"Il mare, il ritorno"
complex of sculptures entitled "The sea, the return" is located
on the "Malizia" harbour quay, in front of the retail fish
market. The work by the artist Paolo Annibali from San Benedetto del
Tronto won the competition advertised by Circolo Sambenedettesi with
the support of the City Hall to create a place to recollect and pay
homage to all those who lost their life at sea.
than a monument, the work by Annibali is the unanimous representation
of the city history, a great fresco of the local culture depicting
the hopes, anxiety, expectations that a lot of people supporting
themselves and their families working at sea underwent (and sometimes
are still undergoing).
statues represent various moments of the sailors' difficult life,
of their eternal balance between their necessity to go to sea and
their nostalgia for home and family. The Municipality has been
supporting the idea by Sambenedettesi City Club being confident
that the work by Annibali is a precious means to preserve the
identity of the City.